In Cerro Sombrero, you’ll find the Patagonian steppe in all its splendor. The history of this small town is intertwined with that of the oil industry: in 1945, oil was discovered in the Manantiales area. This became the first oilfield in Tierra del Fuego and is now a National Historical Monument.

To house the oil workers and their families, from 1958 to 1961, ENAP constructed what was then called the “Company Town,” capital of the area’s oil industry, located on the Cerro Sombrero Plateau and an equal distance from the various oil wells. In 1962, Cerro Sombrero was opened to the public, spurring the interest of new inhabitants.

Lodging, Food, and Activities

Various hostels and lodging options are available in Cerro Sombrero. A few options can be found at




Tierra del Fuego



Climate and Rainfall

Cold, humid temperate climate, 19 inches annually

Nearest National Park(s)

Pali Aike National Park

Alberto de Agostini National Park

Parque Nacional Yendegaia

Don’t Miss

  • Visit Bahía Lomas (Lomas Bay), which has been named a Ramsar site due to its ecological significance. It is the most important wintering site in South America for species such as the Playero Árctico (Red Knot), and the second-most-important for the Zarapito de Pico Recto (Hudsonian Godwit). It is estimated that more than 64 thousand birds of different species make their home here during wintering seasons. The bay has also been the site of whale beachings.
  • Visit the first oil drilling site in the area, in Manantiales, a 15-minute drive from Cerro Sombrero.
  • Explore the town’s orderly streets, visiting the church and gym.
  • Visit Pingüino Rey Park, where you’ll have a chance at spotting––from a distance––various colorful penguins. The park is located 9 miles south of the Onaisin intersection.

How to get

Cerro Sombrero is located 136 miles from Punta Arenas. To get there, you’ll need to cross the Strait of Magellan at the Primera Angostura sector (Punta Delgada), a trip of around 20 minutes. Cerro Sombrero is also located around 76 miles from Porvenir.

See here map of the province of Tierra del Fuego

Buses travel daily from Punta Arenas to Cerro Sombrero. Find more information by contacting Pullman Norte Buses.

There are also buses that travel between Cerro Sombrero and Porvenir. Find more information by contacting Río Side Buses.

To get to Cerro Sombrero, you’ll need to cross the Strait of Magellan at Punta Delgada, which is located 106 miles from Punta Arenas along Route CH-225. The voyage across the strait takes around 20 minutes.

You can also cross the Strait of Magellan at Tres Puentes, located around 3 miles from Punta Arenas. The crossing takes around 2 hours. When you reach Porvenir, you’ll need to drive 76 miles to Cerro Sombrero.

The nearest airport is in Punta Arenas. Dap Airlines offers flights to Porvenir, a trip of just 12 minutes.


  • See here map of the province of Tierra del Fuego
  • There are gas stations in Cerro Sombrero and Porvenir. The gas station in Cerro Sombrero is open from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.
  • You can check schedules for ferries crossing the Strait of Magellan to Porvenir at
  • You can check schedules for the Punta Delgada–Cerro Sombrero ferry route at .
  • Prior reservations are needed to visit Pingüino Rey Park. More information is available at
  • For more information about local bus routes, call +56 61 2 345112.
  • There’s free wifi throughout town. Outlets for charging your devices can be found on the town’s lampposts.
  • Free bathrooms and showers are available in the visitor’s center.

Basic Services

  • Gas Station
  • “Caja Vecina” (Rural Bank Services)
  • Basic Medical Services
  • Auto Repair Shop
  • Bike Repair Shop
  • Cell Service
  • Conaf (Park Rangers)

Visitor’s Center

You can find the visitor’s center at the municipal offices.



Important Dates

Día del Ovejero
During the final two weeks of February, the townspeople host the “Shepherd’s Days,” a one-of-a-kind festival in the region that celebrates rural life.

Copyright 2018 Ruta de los Parques de la Patagonia