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This small village is located on the north shore of the Mitchell Fjord and plays a key role in the connectivity of the Aysén Region. The Padre Antonio Ronchi barge––named in honor of an Italian missionary––sets out from its shores. The barge has been an important part of the region’s development and has improved quality of life for the area’s inhabitants.
The ferry from Puerto Yungay to the Bravo River allows for a stop in Villa O’Higgins. From there, you can explore Bernardo O’Higgins National Park. Those looking for an adventure can set out on a route that combines trekking, a bus trip, and kayaking or a boat ride to the Laguna del Desierto in Argentina.
There is no lodging available in Caleta Yungay.
Puerto Yungay is located 27 miles from Caleta Tortel and 94 miles from Cochrane on the Carretera Austral.
There are no direct public transit options between Coyhaique and Puerto Yungay along the Carretera Austral. However, you can get there on public transit by combining the following routes:
Coyhaique – Cochrane – Villa O’Higgins.
Coyhaique – Cochrane – Tortel – Villa O’Higgins.
Chile Chico – Cochrane – Villa O’Higgins.
Austral Broom Ferries (www.tabsa.cl) offers routes between Puerto Yungay and Puerto Natales in a voyage that takes approximately 41 hours. Prior reservations are required. The ferry also stops in Puerto Edén.
Aerocord offers twice-weekly flights (Mondays and Thursdays) from Coyhaique to Villa O’Higgins on two-engine planes that can carry 7 passengers. The trip takes around 1 hour 15 minutes. It’s important to reserve well in advance, as residents of Villa O’Higgins have priority. For more information or to reserve a flight, contact: +56-67-2246300 / email: gcardenas@aerocord.cl.
There is no visitor’s center at this time.
In February, the village celebrates its «Tropeando pa’ no olvidar,” or “Don’t Forget the Cowboy Ways” festival in the neighboring town of Villa O’Higgins.
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