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Villa O’Higgins marks the end of the Carretera Austral and the beginning of Chile’s Southern Ice Fields. The town is located in the midst of a gorgeous, pristine, and remote landscape, at the mouth of the Mayer River and the O’Higgins Lake, which is the deepest lake on the American continent at 2743 feet deep. The lake was formed by the O’Higgins Glacier.
Francisco Moreno explored the area in 1877. In 1889, Hans Steffen came to investigate the outlet of O’Higgins Lake, which was later divided into equal parts between Chile and Argentina in 1902, through British arbitration. The first settlers arrived in 1914, but the town wasn’t incorporated until 1966. It was named in honor of Chilean independence leader Bernardo O’Higgins.
You can find lodging, food, and activities for tourists in Villa O’Higgins.
Villa O’Higgins is located at the end of the Carretera Austral, 357 miles south of Coyhaique and 136 miles south of Cochrane.
To get to Villa O’Higgins, you’ll need to cross the Mitchell Fjord. You do not need to book the ferry in advance, but we do suggest checking the schedules beforehand at:
There are no direct public transit options between Coyhaique and Villa O’Higgins along the Carretera Austral. However, you can get there on public transit by combining the following routes:
Coyhaique – Cochrane – Villa O’Higgins.
Coyhaique – Cochrane – Tortel – Villa O’Higgins.
Chile Chico – Cochrane – Villa O’Higgins.
Austral Broom Ferries (www.tabsa.cl) offers routes between Puerto Yungay and Puerto Natales in a voyage that takes approximately 41 hours. Prior reservations are required. The ferry also stops in Puerto Edén.
Aerocord offers twice-weekly flights (Mondays and Thursdays) from Coyhaique to Villa O’Higgins on two-engine planes that can carry 7 passengers. The trip takes around 1 hour 15 minutes. It’s important to reserve well in advance, as residents of Villa O’Higgins have priority. For more information or to reserve a flight, contact: +56-67-2246300 / email: gcardenas@aerocord.cl.
The visitor’s center is located in the Villa O’Higgins Plaza. It’s open during tourist high season only. To contact,
In February, the community holds its “Tropeando pa’ no olvidar”––or “Don’t Forget the Cowboy Ways”––festival.
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